Couples Counseling

A strong close connected relationship is an enriching wonderful part of life we and our families all benefit from. Social science research is increasingly indicating that people live longer healthier lives when they are in close caring relationships with a signficant other, family and friends. Whether you desire to reconnect after several years of being over focused on careers and life demands, struggle with infidelity, lack of intimacy, frequent painful arguments, ambivalence about remaining married and considering divorce, painful reoccurring conflicts that do not seem to resolve, couples counseling can assist you to move forward to the best goal for your relationship.

From birth, we are driven to conect with others. Connections with our parents help brains grow stronger and far more capable for accomplishing a diverse range of activities. Diminshed connections with our parents can lead to serious struggles regulating emotions, physical wellbeing, forming strong long lasting relationships and a fulfilling life. Our attachement styles to the people who care for us when we are young and as we grow up leave significant residual impacts on us. Successfully connected couples have a broad range of skills that assist in communication and problem solving with one another plus skills in knowing thier own values, ethics, emotions, body sensations and thinking styles.

Powerful Couples Counseling and Marital Therapy begins by exploring your desires for your relatiohsip. An assessment is completed using The Gottman Couples CheckUp, a conjoint interview, individual interviews of both partners which includes gathering history on your primary relationships though life, past and current disturbing life expereinces, internal and exteranl struggles, individual and couples strengths and social supports.

Once the assessment is completed, we reveiw the data collected and map out a plan for change that makes sense to both partners. This plan will incorporate the training I have received in both The Gottman Method Couples Therapy and Emotion Focused Therapy for Couples. In addition I have extensive training on the impacts of trauma and EMDR Therapy. These models of extended training assist me to gain a broader perspective on issues that maybe hampering the rich relationship you seek.

Sessions are typically scheduled for 1 1/2 - 2 hours. Both partners attend each session unless there is a clear reason defined ahead of time, such as the couples individual assessments. We will work to build relationship awarenesses and skills as well as individual awarenesses and skills to assit you in reaching your goals. Intimate close realtionships happen when both partners can feel safe, share thier most vulnerable feelings with one another, feel accepted and valued, and initmately connected both physically and emotionally. Problem solving occurs much more easily under these conditions.

Sometimes, it is necessary to explore in greater detail earlier life expereinces that may have impacted an individual's capaicity to be or feel safe in an intimate realtionship. In some cases this work can be accomplished in conjoint sessions but in other cases, referal to individual therapy is necessary. When this occurs, I hope to work closely with the individual therapist involved to move the couple's connection forward at the same time the individual is healing from painful past expereinces.

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10:00 am-6:00 pm


10:00 am-6:00 pm


10:00 am-6:00 pm





